Depression Happens !!

You know what, I am very blessed by the Almighty. I have done a very little struggle in my life for money, for a shelter over my head, for two times meal everyday. But I often get depressed.
If I say it to you, let me guess! what can you say? girl, you have no reason to get depressed, then why so ?
The fact is depression is not always about financial crisis, it is not always about having breakup with your love partner. Depression can be of any reason! The reason can be that you are not being able to fulfill your expectations, it can be the haunting of your old tragic memory, it can be the the environment you are living in, it might be the physical weakness, it can be hearing too much criticisms from the society, might be the grief of losing someone forever, it may be the failure to express your anger or pain, it can be any incident, may be silly, may be huge !

As you don’t know what is the reason of anyone’s depression, whenever anyone around you says that he/she is depressed, feeling sad, try to listen to them. Try to understand why she is feeling so. ”That’s so funny”, ”this is silly”, ”how can you be depressed of this?”, kindly don’t say these things because these word hurts that mental state more !

If you don’t get much to give that person a ray of hope, just say, “I understand, dear. everything will be alright. Don’t worry, I am with you.” These words are so simple, but can be the source of strength of that person.

Most of the time, we take physical pain so seriously, but ignore the pain of mind. But this small ignorances can turn to huge loss. Depression for a long time can turn into serious physical diseases such as arthritis, asthma, heart disease, obesity, suicidal moves etc.

As a guardian, as a friend, as a child, as a partner and as a well wisher, we must be aware of their physical and mental health, whom we care for.

Now, the question is how would you understand that your dear ones are suffering from depression, if he/she does not tell you?
There are many symptoms, such as restlessness, anger, short temper, getting irritated for no reason, thoughts of suicide, drinking or smoking too much, digestive problems, excessive talkativeness or excessive sillence, self isolation, inability to concentrate , fatigue, headache etc. Not necessarily one would get all the symptoms, But observing our people, we can assume that if he is depressed or not.

Depression has various forms. Such as major, persistent, manic, perinatal, seasonal,situational. Depressive psychosis, bipolar disorder, Premenstrual dysphoric disorder etc are also varieties of depression.

Depression has some stages also, such as mild, moderate and severe.

The best solution of depression is to get to professional counsellor or psychiatrist. There is no shame in going to a mental health expert, why feeling shy to take care of own body and mind ? Professional in this field can confirm the stage and type of one’s depression. following their instructions properly, anyone can get back to a happy and cheerful life.

So, let’s promise that, we will take care of our own mental health and so of our dear ones, being not judgemental. Supporting one in sad time can also strengthen the bonding there.

It is high time we get aware of these facts!!

Wishing everyone a delightful mind and body , naming a happy life.

References : ; ;
(Bembnowska & Jośko-Ochojska, 2015)

the picture was collected from

#mentalhealth #depression

Published by Purbasha Prithvi

Student, BSS Honors, Development Studies, University of Dhaka

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